ACD/Labs - Advanced Chemistry Development (company)
APIs - Active pharmaceutical ingredient
BCF - Bioconcentration factor
BIOWIN - The biodegradation probability program
COD - Chemical oxygen demand
Da - Dalton, unified atomic mass unit
DOC - Dissolved organic carbon
DOW - Distribution coefficient, octanol-water
DT50 - Half-life, depuration (time needed to eliminate 50% of the substance) (IUPAC, 2009)
DT90 - Time to 90% depuration (IUPAC, 2009)
ECHA - European Chemicals Agency
EMEA - European Medicines Agency
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPI - Exposure/potency index
ERA - Environmental risk assessment
EU - European Union
EUSES - European unified system for the evaluation of substances
GREAT-ER - Geographically-referred regional exposure assessment tool for European rivers
HPLC - High performance liquid chromatography
Ka - Acid dissociation (acidity) constant
Kbiol - Rate constant, biological degradation
KOW - Octanol-water partition coefficient
LRI - Long-range Research initiative
LFERs - Linear free energy relationships
LSERs - Linear solvation energy relationship
MAMI - Multimedia activity model for (organic neutral and) ionisable chemicals
MoA - Mode of action
NER - Non-extractable residue
OC - Organic carbon
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OPPTS - Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances
PBT - Persistent, bioaccumulative, toxic
PEC - Predicted environmental concentration
pH - –log (H+ concentration)
pKa - –log (acid dissociation constant)
PMO - Perturbed molecular orbital
PNEC - Predicted no effect concentration
PPCP - Pharmaceutical and personal care product
QSAR - Quantitative structure activity relationship
RCR - Risk characterisation ratio
SPARC - SPARC performs automated reasoning in chemistry
SRC - Syracuse Research Corporation
TGD - Technical guidance document