

ECETOC’s NanoApp is a tool designed to define the boundaries of sets of similar nanoforms and to generate a justification for the REACH registration.

NanoApp helps registrants follow the European Chemical Agency (ECHA)’s new registration requirements for nanomaterials under the EU’s REACH legislation. It does this by creating and justifying ‘sets of similar nanoforms’ for a joint human health and environmental hazard, exposure and safety assessment.

The tool uses established criteria and rules that systematically evaluate similarity between nanoforms. On that basis, it concludes whether a set of nanoforms can be justified or not. Its decision logic follows the ECHA guidance in a transparent and evidence-based manner – covering primarily the ‘Appendix for nanoforms applicable to the Guidance on Registration and Substance Identification’.

Click here to access NanoApp


Please note that the tool is provided for personal use only. It should not be copied or forwarded to third parties. The tool has been subjected to thorough testing. Despite this, ECETOC does not guarantee that the ECETOC NanoApp works error-free. ECETOC is making this tool available for users to aid them in the safety assessment of their materials. ECETOC offers no warranty either to the reliability of the tool and of the provided information or to the conclusions or assumptions made by any user on the basis of the use of this tool or the use of such information. All usage is at the discretion of the user and ECETOC is not liable for any consequences resulting from such use.