Cefic LRI Projects under ECETOC Management
Since 1996, the Long-range Research Initiative (LRI) Programme of Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, has been providing proactive scientific data on which the entire industry and regulatory bodies can draw to address societal concerns on a reliable basis.
As a fundamental basis for a sustainable chemical industry and a complement to Responsible Care, LRI presents a Research Programme that is forward-looking and ambitious, but also realistic and coherent. LRI invests in long-term research and delivers transparent, quality-assured scientific data, open to the broad public.
As the scientific partner to Cefic LRI, ECETOC provides scientific support to the LRI and input into the Research Programme by managing the scientific evaluation of applications for funding, recommending the best research proposals and monitoring the progress of selected LRI projects. In particular ECETOC is responsible for the:
- Development of topics for research to be considered by the LRI Issue Team (IT);
- Drafting of ‘requests for proposals’ (RfPs) based on ideas submitted by Cefic and ECETOC members and external experts in the LRI process;
- Setting up selection teams of industry and external experts to choose the best research proposals in response to published RfPs and making recommendations to LRI IT concerning the funding of the proposals; and
- Establishment of scientific liaison with the selected institutions and monitoring the scientific quality and progress of the projects.
For more information on the LRI, visit their website http://www.cefic-lri.org.