Technical Report 126


AISE                                                               International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products


C&PCPs                                                                        Cosmetics and personal care products

Cefic                                                             European Chemical Industry Council

Cefic-LRI                                                    Cefic Long-range Research Initiative

COLIPA                                                                          Cosmetic trade association now called Cosmetics Europe

CONCAWE                                                 European Oil Company Organisation for Environment, Health and Safety

CPCat                                                          EPA Chemical/Product Categories Database

CPSC                                                             (US) Consumer Product Safety Commission


D5                                                                  Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane

Danish EPA                                              Danish Environmental Protection Agency

DIY                                                                 Do-it-yourself

DNEL                                                            Derived no effect level

DPGME                                                       Dipropylene glycol methyl ether

DUCC                                                           Downstream Users of Chemicals Co-ordination Group


EFSA                                                              European Food Safety Authority

EGBE                                                             Ethylene glycol butyl ether

EGRET                                                          The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) Generic Exposure. Scenario (GES) Risk and Exposure Tool

EHMC                                                           Ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate

EPHECT                                                       European collaborative action: Emissions, Exposure Patterns and Health Effects of Consumer Products in the EU

ESR                                                                Existing substances regulation


GES                                                                Generic Exposure Scenarios

GNPD                                                           Global new products database


HBM                                                             Human biomonitoring

HERA                                                            (AISE) Human and environmental risk assessment project


INTEGRA                                                     Integrated external and internal exposure modelling platform

IPCS                                                              International Programme on Chemical Safety


LPG                                                               Liquid petroleum gas

LOAEL                                                          Lowest observed effect level


MAR                                                              Maximum aggregate ratio

MCR                                                              Maximum cumulative ratio

ME                                                                 Microenvironmental

Merlin                                                         Modelling exposure to chemicals for Risk assessment: a comprehensive Library of multimedia and PBPK models for Integration, Prediction, uNcertainty and Sensitivity analysis Expo tool

MOA                                                             Mode of action


NHANES                                                      (US) National health and nutrition examination survey

NOAEL                                                         No observed adverse effect level


PACEM                                                        Probabilistic aggregate consumer exposure model

PBPK                                                            Physiologically based pharmacokinetic

PC                                                                  Product category

PCP                                                               Personal care products

PhAA                                                            Phenoxyacetic acid

PHE                                                               Phenoxyethanol


QRA                                                               Quantitative risk assessment


RCR                                                               Risk characterisation ratio

REACH                                                         Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals

REACT                                                          REACH Exposure assessment consumer tool

RIFM                                                             Research Institute of Fragrance Materials

RIVM                                                            National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands


SCCS                                                             (EU) Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety

SCEDs                                                          Specific consumer exposure determinants

SKU                                                               Stock Keeping Unit


TRA                                                                (ECETOC) Targeted risk assessment tool


WHO                                                            World Health Organization