Ongoing Task Force

Targeted Risk Assessment: TRA Tool Steering Team


ECETOC initiated its targeted risk assessment (TRA) activity in 2001 and the first public version (v1) of the TRA exposure model was made available in 2004. Since then the TRA tool has continued to evolve and continues to attract a lot of attention both inside and outside Europe for chemical safety assessment. More than 80% of the chemical safety assessments submitted in the first two rounds of REACH registrations have been based on the TRA.

With this continued interest, ECETOC has established a TRA Steering Team to define, manage and lead how the TRA tool will be developed into the medium to long term. The Steering Team aims to develop the overall strategy, set priorities, organise the work, and liaise & maintain dialogue with ECHA and relevant stakeholders. The Steering Team liaises with the TRA Task Force Consumer, Worker and Environment branches to deliver dedicated projects that advance the science of the TRA tool.


Click here to download the TRA Tool, read the User Guides & FAQs and access background reading materials.