Ongoing Task Force
TRA Task Force – Environment branch
This Task Force is active on a number of initiatives:
- In the first half of 2019, ECETOC coordinated industry’s contribution to the first stage (IT feasibility study) of the ECHA EUSES update process, via ECHA’s Technical Expert Groups (TEGs). Towards the end of 2019, ECHA confirmed it intends to develop a common chemical risk assessment tool for REACH and biocides (combining EUSES and Chesar). ECHA is continuing to consult with the TEGs on relevant technical aspects and the TRA Task Force Environment branch remains engaged.
- A state of the science literature review on assessment of humans exposed indirectly via the environment, to ascertain the state of the science and identify further research needs.
- A collaborative project with National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in The Netherlands (RIVM) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on generation of removal predictions from the SimpleTreat model (an assessment tool for the fate of substances in wastewater treatment plants, incorporated into EUSES and Chesar) and comparisons to measured removal data. This stemmed from some ongoing work by ECCC to improve wastewater treatment removal modelling. The OECD Working Party on Exposure Assessment (WPEA) has been kept informed of this activity.