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01 December 1993

Special Report 06 – Interpretation – Evaluation of the Neurotoxic Potential of Chemicals in Animals

SR 06 : Interpretation - Evaluation of the Neurotoxic Potential of Chemicals in Animals | December 1993...

30 November 1993

Special Report 05 – Enviromental Health Criteria for Methylene Chloride

SR 05 : Environmental Health Criteria for Methylene Chloride | December 1996...

28 November 1993

JACC Report 23 – Polycarboxylate Polymers as Used in Detergents

JACC 023 : Polycarboxylate Polymers as Used in Detergents | November 1993...

29 September 1993

TR 055 – Pulmonary Toxicity of Polyalkylene Glycols

TR 055 : Pulmonary Toxicity of Polyalkylene Glycols | December 1997 Polyalkylene glycols (polyglycols; PAG) are a group of polymeric chemicals with a wide range of physicochemical properties and appli...

29 August 1993

TR 054 – Assessment of the Biodegradation of Chemicals in the Marine Environment

TR 054 : Assessment of the Biodegradation of Chemicals in the Marine Environment | August 1993 Several test methods assessing the biodegradation potential of a chemical has been developed and validate...

28 August 1993

Monograph 020 – Percutaneous Absorption

Mono 020 : Percutaneous Absorption | August 1993...

28 August 1993

Monograph 019 – Respiratory Allergy

Mono 019 : Respiratory Allergy | August 1993  ...

27 August 1993

DOC 031 – Strategy for assigning a “Skin Notation”

DOC 031 : Strategy for assigning a skin notation | August 1993 In providing standards for occupational exposure, it has been recognised for a long time that inhalation is not the only route by which...

28 February 1993

TR 053 – DHTDMAC: Aquatic and Terrestrial Hazard Assessment (CAS No. 61789-80-8)

TR 053 : DHTDMAC: Aquatic and Terrestrial Hazard Assessment (CAS No. 61789-80-8) | February 1993 Dihydrogenatedtallow dimethyl ammonium chloride (DHTDMAC) is almost exclusively used as a fabric soften...

28 February 1993

TR 052 – Styrene Toxicology Investigations on the Potential for Carcinogenicity

TR 052 : Styrene Toxicology Investigations on the Potential for Carcinogenicity | August 1992 At present there is no clear evidence that styrene is carcinogenic in laboratory animals or in man. The ab...

29 January 1993

TR 051 – Environmental Hazard Assessment of Substances

TR 051 : Environmental Hazard Assessment of Substances | January 1993 The main objective of the work described in this report was the development of a process for the Environmental Hazard Assessment o...

28 January 1993

Special Report 04 – 1,3-Butadiene Criteria Document

SR 04 : 1,3-Butadiene Criteria Document | January 1993...

28 January 1993

JACC Report 22 – Hydrogen Peroxide

JACC 022 : Hydrogen Peroxide (CAS:7722-84-1) | January 1993...

27 January 1993

JACC Report 21 – Tris-(2-butoxyethyl)-phosphate

JACC 021 : Tris-(2-Butoxyethyl)-Phosphate (CAS:78-51-3) | March 1992...

04 January 1993

Nickel cobalt and chromium in consumer products: A role in allergic contact dermatitis?

In spite of the improved awareness of the potential for nickel, cobalt and chromium to en use skin allergy, the incidence of serialization to them is generally on the increase, especially for nickel....

30 December 1992

TR 050 – Estimating Environmental Concentrations of Chemicals Using Fate and Exposure Models

TR 050 : Estimating Environmental Concentrations of Chemicals Using Fate and Exposure Models | November 1992...

29 December 1992

TR 049 – Exposure of Man to Dioxins: A Perspective on Industrial Waste Incineration

TR 049 : Exposure of Man to Dioxins: A Perspective on Industrial Waste Incineration | December 1992  ...

28 December 1992

Special Report 03 – Investigation of Adduct Formation between Styrene or Styrene Metabolites and Hemoglobin or Blood Proteins in Rats and Mice (In Vitro and In Vivo) vol.2

SR 03 Vol II : Studies on Toxicokinetics and Macromolecular Binding of Styrene (Vols 1 and 2) | December 1992...

28 December 1992

Special Report 03 – Studies on Toxicokinetics Macromolecular Binding of Styrene vol.1

SR 03 Vol I : Studies on Toxicokinetics and Macromolecular Binding of Styrene (Vols 1 and 2) | December 1992  ...

28 September 1992

Monograph 018 – Evaluation of the Neurotoxic Potential of Chemicals

Mono 018 : Evaluation of the Neurotoxic Potential of Chemicals | September 1992  ...