
ECETOC launches a public directory of exposure data sources and exposure tools


The Human Exposure Assessment Tools Database (heatDB) is a resource for risk assessors to use to quickly search and locate human exposure tools and data available in the public domain.

Available sources of exposure data have been gathered, structured and categorised into a harmonised system. Additionally, available tools for exposure assessment were gathered and categorised into the same system. This allows risk assessors to quickly review what data sources and tools are available for given purposes and to have guidance on their appropriate use using a tiering system.

In parallel with this database, ECETOC Technical Report no. 126 provides analysis, discussion and case studies demonstrating different uses of some the different tools and data sources (available on the main ECETOC website at There are hundreds of identified sources of human exposure data and tools in heatDB.

Thanks to Crème Global for the development and hosting of the database. Users can register for free, login and use the database as required at