3rd party event: 15-17 Oct. 2014 Short course on toxicologic pathology in fish
Short course on toxicologic pathology in fish
Cefas Weymouth Laboratory, UK: 15-17th October 2014
Organisers Stephen W. Feist & Helmut Segner are pleased to announce the 2nd short course on toxicologic pathology in fish. The aim is to provide training in the methods and diagnosis of toxicopathological lesions in fish.
The course will take place at the Cefas Weymouth Laboratory, UK on the 15-17th October, 2014. The course will place significant emphasis on "hands-on practical training and the diagnosis of pathological changes in fish tissues.
The course will cover several aspects of toxicologic pathology in fish including:
- Background and introduction
- Approaches and methodology
- Experimental design (field and laboratory)
- Incidental pathologies
- Morphology and natural variation
The workshop will focus on practical demonstrations and examination of prepared slides. In addition to histopathology, other areas to be included are histological techniques.
- Protocols
- Avoiding artefacts and other pitfalls
There will also be a specific element dedicated to the Fish Disease component of BEQUALM (see www.bequalm.org for more details) whereby liver histopathology will be discussed. This will broadly follow:
- Overview of liver pathology in flatfish
- Assessment of liver pathology from other fish species, marin and freshwater
- Modification development of diagnostic keys for assessment of liver pathology
Further details will be made available via the European Association of Fish Pathologists (EAFP) (www.eafp.org) and BEQUALM websites. Places will be limited to approximately 10 participants.
If you are interested in attending the workshop, would like to propose specific subject for inclusion or would like to request more information, please contact:
Stephen Feist
E-mail: stephen.feist@cefas.co.uk
Or Helmut Segner
E-mail: helmut.segner@vetsuisse.unibe.ch
Sponsored by ECETOC.
Download the flyer at http://bit.ly/Toxicopath-course-flyer-2014