
Launch of 3 new Task Forces

Ecetoc recently launched calls for nominations for three new Task Forces that are scheduled to kick off their activities in Q2:

  • New TF on ‘Omics data interpretation framework’

The aim of the TF is to explore and agree an Omics Data Interpretation Framework for regulatory application (ODIFRA) and to develop suitable accessible educational materials for outreach and training that can aid uptake of the use of omics data for regulatory purposes.

  • New TF on ‘Assessing risks to biodiversity from exposure to chemicals’

The TF ‘Assessing risks to biodiversity from exposure to chemicals: where are we and where should we be going’ aims to define and crystallise questions on biodiversity and chemical risk assessment to be addressed in a subsequent workshop.

  • New TF on ‘Building knowledge from available degradation simulation studies’

The TF ‘Building knowledge from available degradation simulation studies: analysis of the most influential factors & development of a grouping approach’ is being established to consider available simulation degradation studies and aim to gain a greater understanding of the influencing factors in such studies as well as to develop a grouping strategy for persistence assessment.

ECETOC members interested in joining the Task Force should contact us as soon as possible. Experts from academia and regulatory bodies are also welcome to join these Task Forces - please contact Lucy Wilmot or Blanca Serrano for more information.