
Publication of WR 19 – Omics in (Eco)toxicology: Case Studies and Risk Assessment


Available as a pdf download : Workshop Report No.19 - Omics in (Eco)toxicology: Case Studies and Risk Assessment


The aim of the workshop was to review the progress made on the application of “omics technologies to chemical safety and assess the potential impact of these new technologies on the risk assessment of chemical substances.

In particular the workshop addressed the following points:

  1. Conditions to generate “omics data relevant to toxicity (appropriate study design, quality control, exploitation and interpretation of data).
  2. Usefulness of “omics technologies in predicting toxicity in mammalian and non-mammalian models.
  3. Usefulness of “omics technologies in elucidating mechanism of action leading to toxicity.
  4. Sensitivity of the “omics technologies in detecting changes related to toxicity and comparison with sensitivity from more traditional methods (histopathology, enzyme assays, hormone measurements...).
  5. What do regulators expect in terms of data quality when technical dossiers are submitted: How many positives, how many negatives, data variability?

The workshop was limited to participation by selected industry experts and invited external scientists.