ECETOC Review Meeting on REACH-Driven Science Needs
As the first registration phase of REACH is finalised, it has become apparent that while dossiers meet the basic expectations for REACH registrations, there may still be aspects that can be expected to lead to queries during any subsequent dossier evaluation by ECHA. One likely reason for this could be shortcomings in the supporting REACH TGD, e.g. areas where the guidance is deficient or contradictory or where the underpinning science remains weak. The ECETOC Scientific Committee proposed to hold a one-day meeting to address the science issues that are now emerging and to recommend suitable ECETOC activities.
The aim was to hold a limited-invitation meeting in early 2011 to share experiences of where the current TGD is weak, or non-existent, and to recommend activities for ECETOC (task forces, workshops) to fill these gaps. These would be either a contribution for future reviews of the TGD or serve as background material to be available during dossier evaluation. It was not the intention of the workshop to consider issues that might form part of the 2012 REACH review.