2014 Science scoping meeting on human health & human exposure in risk assessment
05-06 February 2014, Brussels, Belgium
Event: ECETOC Meeting: Validate and agree science programmes for ECETOC and CEFIC LRI in areas of Human Health and Human Exposure in Risk Assessment. This is the opportunity for Member Companies to be heard, to put ideas forward and to provide input directly into ECETOC and CEFIC LRI Research Programmes
Venue: CEFIC Offices, Ave E van Nieuwenhuyse 4, B-1160 Brussels
- Provide a broad picture of Human Health and Human Exposure in Risk Assessment science programme in ECETOC and CEFIC LRI
- Validate with membership their agreement of current and proposed ECETOC and CEFIC LRI Research Programmes
- Identify priority topics for ECETOC and CEFIC LRI science programme not being addressed but should be
Format: The meeting will last 1.5 days including Two Morning Sessions and one Afternoon Session. (The meeting will start at 10:00 on day 1 and close at 13.00 on day 2)
Day 1: Review & Analysis
Morning: Grounding Exercise— Review in broad terms current and proposed activities in ECETOC and CEFIC LRI
Afternoon: Analysis – Gather input from participants on areas of research not being addressed but should be
Day 2:
Morning: Building Consensus— Agree priority activities
Panel discussion— Panel will include Jim Bridges (University of Surrey), Alan Boobis (Imperial College London) and Tim Gant (Health Protection Agency, UK)