Completed Task Force

Adapting Simple Treat for simulating behaviour of chemical substances


In the EU the fate of chemicals in wastewater treatment is currently simulated with SimpleTreat 3.1. RIVM is currently revising SimpleTreat 3.1 for simulating municipal wastewater treatment plants. A recent ECETOC workshop has provided major insights for advancing the modelling assessments of industrial wastewaters based on the revised SimpleTreat model.

Hence it is proposed to establish an advanced simulation approach for industrial wastewater treatment. An advanced SimpleTreat module is developed which can be customized for individual industrial wastewater treatment plants. The development of this tool is to be performed by the Radboud University as contractor. This ECETOC Task Force will supervise the tool development, complement the tool framework and guidance for the use of this tool and develop regulatory support for the advanced simulation approach for chemicals in industrial wastewater treatment.

Duration of the Task Force

Nine months.

Terms of Reference for the Task Force

  • Steer the work of the contractor.
  • Develop framework and guidance for the use of the advanced model.
  • Hold a workshop for developing regulatory support for the approach for simulating the fate of chemicals in industrial wastewater treatment.

Terms of Reference for the Contractor

  • Establish possibilities for adapting SimpleTreat for simulating industrial wastewater treatment.
  • Develop model parameterization for realistic simulation of industrial wastewater treatment.
  • Perform testing of advanced model vs current SimpleTreat and, if possible, vs measured data.
  • Perform sensitivity- and uncertainty analysis of the advanced model.

Expected Outcome

  • ECETOC Technical Report: Framework and guidance for applying the advanced modelling.
  • Workshop report / publication: Workshop account of applying the framework and guidance for the advanced modelling (Authorship: ECETOC TF).
  • Technical publication: Modelling work (Authorship: contractor).