SETAC Special Symposium on “Bioavailability of Organic Chemicals; Linking Science to Risk Assessment and Regulation
Dear colleague,
It is my pleasure to announce to you our SETAC Special Symposium "BIOAVAILABILITY OF ORGANIC CHEMICALS: LINKING SCIENCE TO RISK ASSESSMENT AND REGULATION”, to be held in Brussels on 14-15 October this year (
The main objective of this symposium is to identify and provide scientifically-based solutions to the challenges faced by regulators and industries in handling bioavailability issues during risk assessment and regulation of organic chemicals. The symposium will provide an opportunity for scientists, regulators, and industrial managers to intensify the exchange of knowledge and experience on these issues, with the goal to facilitate the implementation of bioavailability in the management and regulation of chemicals (e.g., REACH) and contaminated sites (including remediation).
In this highly interactive, two-days programme, we will look during the first day at the needs and questions of the users and provide them the next day with tools. The Symposium participants will be distributed in 3 discussion groups per day. Before discussions, a few, selected oral keynote presentations will give a reference to start.
Relevant dates are :
Deadline for abstract submission: 16 September 2014 Early registration deadline: 23 September 2014
For more information and updates on the meeting, please check our website.
Yours sincerely,
J.-Julio Ortega-Calvo
In behalf of SESSS10 Steering Committee