
Call for experts to support work on ECHA’s PBT/vPvB guidance update

ECHA has recently launched a call for a Partner Expert Group (PEG) on PBT/vPvB assessment guidance updates (ECHA Guidance R.11, Part C and specific sections of Chapters R.7b and R.7c). The update will also address recent changes to the REACH Annexes.

  • Persistence assessment in relation to the testing strategies, test design and interpretation of the ready biodegradation and simulation study results especially considering the biodegradation assessment of difficult to test substances and characterisation of non-extractable residues.


  • Bioaccumulation testing strategy for determining bioaccumulation in air-breathing organisms, the use of alternative methods in bioaccumulation assessment, the bioaccumulation screening assessment as part of the ITS and clarifications on the interpretation of the bioaccumulation test results.


  • Clarifications on the use of weight-of-evidence and benchmarking approaches, reporting requirements of chemical analysis as part of the assessment, the assessment of the substances with more than one constituent as well as conditions when specificities of the nanoform must be considered in the assessment.


  • The revised information requirements and adaptations for the environmental endpoints, as described in the update to the REACH Annexes.


ECETOC has nominated an expert representative to join the PEG and is now creating a shadow group to support them in their task. Should you wish to be part of the shadow group and contribute to this important update, please contact