Workshop Report 30


Building on the success of an earlier ECETOC workshop in December 2011: Epigenetics and Chemical Safety, this 2015 workshop explored the most current understanding of epigenetics, and its potential role in understanding early life exposures resulting in later adverse effects. Experts from a range of disciplines including epidemiology, toxicology, epigenomics and regulatory science met over two days ― first to share knowledge and then to brainstorm research needs in the field.

The objectives of the workshop were to:

Define epigenetics and understand its potential value for reproductive toxicology.
Understand the relationship between epigenetic change and adverse endpoints.
Develop a roadmap for the practical use of epigenetic studies in regulatory applications.
Generate a prioritised research agenda.
Day 1 of the workshop was open to all ECETOC member companies and invited guests as a capacity-building activity. Around 50 people from industry, academia and the regulatory community world worldwide, came together. Discussions centred around what epigenetics is, its potential value for reproductive toxicology and the relationship between epigenetic change and adverse end points.
Day 2, a smaller group of around 30 experts got together to discuss the practical use of epigenetic studies in regulatory applications and generate a prioritised research agenda.