
Launch of the new ECETOC targeted risk assessment tools

ECETOC's TRA task force was re-convened in 2006 with the aim of reviewing the current basis for the approach and making recommendations for further improvements. At the same time, the value of the TRA was recognised under the Commission's REACH Implementation Project (RIP) 3.2 stakeholder review activity on the development of chemical safety assessments.

Specifically, the TRA was seen to be the preferred approach for evaluating worker health risks (atthe Tier 1 level) and having the potential for also being adopted for evaluating consumer health risks. At the same time, the task force recognised the need to develop a more workable and pragmatic approach to environmental risk assessment using the principles laid down within the EUSES model. Many of the concepts demonstrated in the original TRA and outlined in the interim TRA webtool scoping/requirements document (insert link) are now incorporated into the planned ECHA CSA/CSR tool (CSAT). Furthermore, the specification for the CSAT foresees integrating the use of several elements of the TRA exposure estimation models.

The TRA task force have therefore sought to develop improved exposure estimation models for workers, consumer and the environment that continue to carry forward the principles that were pioneered in the original TRA web tool whilst accommodating many helpful suggestions from the stakeholder process. The revised TRA consists of 3 distinct exposure estimation models, covering workers, consumers and the environment, supported by a single integrated version of all 3 models (which is technically identical to each model but which introduces work process efficiencies for multiple data entries). Each model is downloadable through the ECETOC website.

A supporting ECETOC Technical Report that describes in detail the current structure of and basis for the revised TRA approach (for workers, consumers and the environment) will be available shortly.