
CEllSens-Eco8: Lessons learnt. Open Access Meeting prior to SETAC Europe, Milan, 15-May-11


The goal of the CEllSens-Eco8 project was to develop a strategy to predict acute fish lethality using fish cell lines and fish embryos. Specifically, this CEFIC-LRI/UK-DEFRA supported project addressed the replacement of the fish acute toxicity test (OECD 203) by improving assay conditions and exploring various toxicological endpoints in fish cells and zebrafish embryos. Furthermore, sub-lethal endpoints were explored as pilot explorations toward alternatives for fish chronic toxicity testing.

The CellSens team, with the support of ECETOC and Cefic-LRI, invites all interested parties from academia, industry and regulation to explore the project results and discuss their implications in the context of a strategy to refine, reduce or replace fish tests.

This workshop takes place in the morning prior to the SETAC Europe Meeting on May 15/2011 from 8.30 to 12.00 in the Milano Convention Centre.

For further information and to register to attend the meeting, please click here.