Technical Report 125



MA categories TEEB categories CICES v4.3 group*
Food (fodder) Food Biomass [Nutrition]
Biomass (Materials from plants, algae and animals for agricultural use)
Fresh water Water Water (for drinking purposes) [Nutrition]
Water (for non-drinking purposes) [Materials]
Fibre, timber Raw Materials Biomass (fibres and other materials from plants, algae and animals for direct use and processing)
Genetic resources Genetic resources Biomass (genetic materials from all biota)
Biochemicals Medicinal resources Biomass (fibres and other materials from plants,
algae and animals for direct use and processing)
Ornamental resources Ornamental resources Biomass (fibres and other materials from plants, algae and animals for direct use and processing)
Biomass based energy sources
Mechanical energy (animal based)
Air quality regulation Air quality regulation [Mediation of] gaseous/air flows
Water purification and water
Waste treatment (water
Mediation [of waste, toxics and other nuisances] by biota
Mediation [of waste, toxics and other nuisances] by ecosystems
Water regulation Regulation of water flows [Mediation of] liquid flows
Moderation of extreme events
Erosion regulation Erosion prevention [Mediation of] mass flows
Climate regulation Climate regulation Atmospheric composition and climate regulation
Soil formation
(supporting service)
Maintenance of soil fertility Soil formation and composition
Pollination Pollination Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection
Pest regulation Biological control Pest and disease control
Disease regulation
Primary production
Nutrient cycling
(supporting services)
Maintenance of life cycles of
migratory species (incl. nursery
Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool
Soil formation and composition
[Maintenance of] water conditions
Maintenance of genetic diversity (especially in gene pool protection) Lifecycle maintenance, habitat and gene pool protection
Spiritual and religious values Spiritual experience Spiritual and/or emblematic
Aesthetic values Aesthetic information Intellectual and representational interactions
Cultural diversity Inspiration for culture, art and
Intellectual and representational interactions
Spiritual and/or emblematic
Recreation and ecotourism Recreation and tourism Physical and experiential interactions
Knowledge systems and educational values Information for cognitive development Intellectual and representational interactions
Other cultural outputs (existence, bequest)
MA provides a classification that is globally recognised and used in sub global assessments. TEEB provides an updated
classification, based on the MA, which is used in on-going national TEEB studies across Europe.
CICES provides a hierarchical system, building on the MA and TEEB classifications but tailored to accounting.