Workshop Report

Workshop Report 03 – Workshop on the Use of Human Data in Risk Assessment

WR 03 : Workshop on the Use of Human Data in Risk Assessment | November 2004

Available human data are not always consistently addressed in chemical risk assessment, while questions of data quality often inhibit their interpretation and use. ECETOC, with the aim of initiating a consensus on this topic, has organised an International Workshop on the Use of Human Data in Risk Assessment, in collaboration with the International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS), OECD Environment Directorate and European Commission?s Institute of Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP). This report presents the proceedings and outcome of the Workshop, held in Cardiff, UK (February 2004).

Good quality human data are not readily accessible and their usefulness is frequently constrained by the lack of information on exposures. A clear framework should be developed that enables human data from different sources to be collected and assessed in terms of quality and application in risk assessment. The framework must be built on guidelines for (i) good human data collection practice, (ii) good exposure assessment practice and (iii) good risk assessment practice, and better networking of existing information sources.

An action plan is required to improve the recording of existing data, while incentives should encourage the provision of human data of improved quality for risk assessment purposes.